Tutong sprucing up for His Majesty's b'day celebration
By Hj Minor Absah & Amie PDH Ishak

Tutong will be the first stop for the get-together with the subjects in conjunction with His Majesty the Sultan and Yang DiPertuan Brunei Darussalam's 62nd birthday celebrations on July 17.

In preparation for this auspicious day, the residents of the Tutong district have been busy sprucing up the town, as well as the Bukit Bendera Field where His Majesty will get-together with the public, with flags, banners and arches.

According to Awg Hj Jamain bin Momin, the Tutong District Officer who is also the chairman of the working committee of His Majesty the Sultan's 62nd birthday celebrations in Tutong District, "We have improved the quality of our field presentations this year and we hope that it will be better than last years' performance."

"This year's field presentations will be performed by over 1,000 students from government and private schools in the Tutong district, as well as participants from the village consultative council, youths from the various Mukims and ethnic groups from the Tutong district," he added.

The finals of the Tutong division tug-of-war were held recently on June 15th where the winners will be competing in the National division.

Among the activities that will be held in the Tutong District before the climax on July 17th will be the flag raising ceremony on July 1st, the finals of the 'Silat and Kuntau' competition for the Tutong division on July 6th, a mass Maghrib and Isyak prayer, Tahlil and Thanksgiving prayer on July 14th.

There will also be a prize presentation for babies born on July 15th 2008 in the Tutong District on July 16th at the Pengiran Muda Mahkota Pengiran Muda Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah Hospital.

The 'Gerai Perayaan' in the Tutong District in conjunction with His Majesty the Sultan's 62nd birthday celebrations will also be starting on the evening of July 17th. - Borneo Bulletin (29th June 2008)
