Talk on study skills at Islamic Dakwah Centre
By Rohani Hj Abd Hamid

A TaLK on study skills for form five and pre-university students was held yesterday at the Islamic Dakwah Centre. The talk, which touched on topics like proper diet, sleep and exercise to increase students' IQ and improve memory, was delivered by Mr Chris Rockwell, an English and General Paper teacher at Maktab Sains PSBS.

Attending the talk were YAM Pengiran Anak Naafi'ah Khairul Bulqiah and YAM Pengiran Anak Hafiyyah as well as students from the college.

During his talk, Mr Chris said dramatic results from studies in the United Kingdom, the United Sates and Australia have shown how lack of sleep affects memory, physical exercise affects IQ and certain foods affect the brain function.

The talk was organised by Ahli Jawatankuasa Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) Maktab Sains PSBS. The talks was aimed at giving understanding to parents or guardians of students to enhance their ability of time management and to use resources for improving quality education. - Borneo Bulletin (4th August 2008)
