101,890 people visited Istana
By Zasika Musdi

The total number of visitors who greeted His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, Her Majesty Raja Isteri Pg Anak Hjh Saleha and other members of the royal family at the Istana Nurul Iman Hari Raya open house this year reached an impressive 101,890 people, as compared to 95,669 last year.

This year, visitors on the first day totalled 42,149 (19,336 in the morning and 22,813 in the afternoon), last year it was just 29,019 (17,549 in the morning and 11,470 in the afternoon).

On the second day this year, visitors totalled 33,956 (23,110 in the morning and 10,846 in the afternoon), whereas last year it was 29,358 (16,500 in the morning and 12,858).

However, on the third day, less number of people was recorded this year as compared to last year; 25,785 (17,464 in the morning and 8,321 in the afternoon) against last year's 37,292 (22,025 in the morning and 15,267 in the afternoon).

The overall increase in the number of people who visited the Istana this year portrays the continuous enthusiasm of locals and foreigners alike in greeting the royalty and wish them "Selamat Hari Raya".

It is hoped more visitors, especially those from other countries, will continue to visit the palace in the coming years to share their Raya joy with the royal family, and experience one of the most exclusive celebrations in the world. - Borneo Bulletin (6th Oct 2008)
