His Majesty attends HRH Prince Hj Abdul Azim's convocation

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam on Friday attended the convocation ceremony of His Royal Highness Prince Hj Abdul Azim at Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom.

His Majesty's was greeted on arrival by the university's executive officials.

His Royal Highness was awarded with Bachelor of Science degree (honours) in Politics and International Relations from the university's Social Science and Law College.

Accompanying His Majesty were Her Royal Highness Princess Azemah Ni'matul Bolkiah and Her Royal Highness Princess Fadzilah Lubabul Bulqiah.

Over 200 graduates from the university received their degrees from the university's Chancellor, Shami Chakrabarti.

Oxford Brookes university established in 1865 is a renowned university with expertise in various fields like architecture, economics, computer science, automotive engineering and publishing.

Earlier, His Majesty along with His Royal Highness and Her Royal Highnesses were greeted by the Director of Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS), Dr. Farhan Nizami and viewed the latest construction project of the new Oxford Centre at Oxfordshire.

The complex which is nearing completion costs around 70 million sterling pounds (BND190 million). OCIS, an independent institution and recognised by Oxford University was established in 1985 to encourage Islamic Studies and knowledge of Islamic world. It gives a basis for wider progress of such studies internationally.

In 1992, His Majesty announced the establishment of international programme for Islamic Civilisation Studies to be placed at the Centre. It is the highlight of the relations established in 1989 between OCIS and Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD).

Four years ago, His Majesty awarded the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah International Award for the promotion of dialogue between Islamic Civilisation and the West in a ceremony held at OCIS, London. The new OCIS building blends traditional architecture of Oxford Colleges and Islamic classical architecture and provides academic, social and accommodation facilities needed by visiting scholars from various nations and nationalities. - Borneo Bulletin (7th Sept 2008)
