Royal messages for French National Day
By Azaraimy HH

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di- Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented to send a congratulatory message to Nicholas Sarkozy, President of the Republic of France, on the occasion of the French National Day.

In the message to President Sarkozy, His Majesty said the Government of People of Brunei Darussalam joined His Majesty in sending His Majesty's warmest congratulations to President Sarkozy, the government and people of France as they celebrate their National Day.

The message said that His Majesty greatly appreciated the many ways in which President Sarkozy's government had encouraged the continued strengthening of the much-valued relations between the people of Brunei Darussalam and the Republic of France.

His Majesty also expressed much appreciation for President Sarkozy's personal leadership in many vital matters of international concern. His Majesty looked forward to continuing to work with President Sarkozy in the spirit of friendship and cooperation long enjoyed by the people of both countries.

His Majesty sent his best wishes to President Sarkozy.

Meanwhile, His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in his congratulatory message, sent his warmest congra-tulations and best wishes to Bernard Kouchner, French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs.

His Royal Highness also extended his congra-tulations and best wishes to the people of the Republic of France.

His Royal Highness said, "I greatly appreciate the long-standing friendly relations between our countries and look forward to many future opportunities to continue our work together to continue strengthening our friendship and cooperation". - Borneo Bulletin (14th July 2009)
