Lights, camera, celebration
By Hj Md Said Arshad

Dazzling lights illuminate the capital, complementing the festive spirit that fills the air as the country celebrates the 63rd birthday celebration of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.

It is at this time of the year that Bandar springs to life, a time when the young and the old descend upon the capital to take in the beauty of the colourful lightings and decorations erected to celebrate a benevolent ruler.

The aroma of meat and seafood cooked over a fire-pit beckons hungry visitors who are spoilt for choice with the wide selection of mouth-watering food items. Drinks of different colours and flavours are also available at the stalls, as are fruits, balloons and other knick-knacks.

At the Taman Sir Omar Ali Saifuddien nearby, children run care-free as their parents make the most of the outing, using the time to relax, tuck into their tit-bits and engage in chit-chats.

The stalls, which have been set up in conjunction with the royal birthday celebrations, operate from 8 am onwards, with July 31 marking the final day. This allows SMEs exposure and a chance to generate additional income, while at the same time, helps to enliven the atmosphere during this festive period. - Borneo Bulletin (20th July 2009)
