Royal congratulatory messages to Bangladesh

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam yesterday consented to send a congratulatory message to the President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Hossain Zillur Rahman, and Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Wasina Wajed, on the occasion of the country's National Day.

In the message, His Majesty congratulated the president, prime minister, government and people of Bangladesh.

His Majesty expressed his satisfaction over the excellent friendly relations between the Sultanate and Bangladesh. The monarch looks forward to strengthening ties between both countries.

His Majesty also wished the president good health and happiness.

Meanwhile, His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, the Minister of Foreign Affairs & Trade, sent a similar congratulatory message to Bangladesh's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Dipu Moni.

His Royal Highness expressed his satisfaction over the excellent relations between the Sultanate and Bangladesh. His Royal Highness said that he looks forward to strengthening ties between both countries in future. - Borneo Bulletin (24th Mar 2009)
