Crown Prince awards golf prizes
By Sahrol Daud

His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, consented to present prizes to the winners of the Inter-Ministry Sports Festival Golf competition at the Royal Brunei Golf and Country Club in Jerudong yesterday.

The Ministry of Home Affairs represented by Azmie Hj Julaihi, Ali bin Hj Rashid, Md Lufti bin Abdullah, Hj Raya Dullah, Omar Asmat, Hj Hamidon Hj Damit, Hj Noorismadi Hj Md Tamid and Seruji Hj Setia scored 358 and emerged as the team champion of the three-day golf competition winning trophy donated by the Crown Prince.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Development with 359 on count back (OCB) came in second place. The Development Ministry was represented by Merusin Hj Hashim, Chua Pheng Keong, Alias Hj Ramli, Hj Rahmat Jaafar, Pg Wahab Pg Hj Ibrahim, Hong Kok Seng, Hj Suhaimi Hj Abd Ghafar and Pg Serjuddin Pg Hj Abd Rahman.

The Ministry of Defence 'A' with 359 OCB, represented by Ruzaimi Hj Ahmad, Lieutenant Colonel Zahrin Hj Zunaidi, Staff Sergeant Pg Suhaimi, Junaidi Tuah, Hj Kuswadi Hj Pungut, Lieutenant Hj Wadi Wadera, Lieutenant Colonel Pg Hj Ali Pg Hj Tuah and Tony Hj Karim, was in third place.

Tony Hj Karim also won the Overall Gross category with a 71 OCB. Seruji Hj Setia grabbed the Overall Nett trophy with a 68.

In Division 'A' Nett category, Pg Zulkefli Pg Hj Besar emerged victorious with a 70, putting Pg Adam bin Pg Atan (71 OCB) and Lieutenant Colonel Pg Hj Alli Pg Hj Tuah (71 OCB) in second and third place respectively.

Mazran Hj Md Amin with a 71 became the champion in the Division 'B' Nett category. Hong Kok Seng (72 OCB) was in second place and Hj Zakaria Mat Noor (72 OCB) came third.

In Division 'C' Nett category, the champion was Pg Serjuddin Pg Hj Abd Rahman with a 71 (OCB). Jamain bin Hj Abd Hamid (71 OCB) came in second place. In the third place was Hj Jasmin Hj Jamuddin (72).

In the VVIP Nett category, Pg Dato Hj Yunos Pg Hj Mahmud claimed the VVIP Nett trophy after scoring 71. Sa Bali Hj Abas (73) placed second. Mohd Lufti bin Abdullah (74) was in the third spot.

Hj Sabri bin Hj Naweh with a 71 emerged champion in the Sponsor Nett. Hj Aziz bin Kassim (72 OCB) and Hj Osmar bin Duraman (72 OCB) came second and third places.

In the novelties prizes, Tony Hj Karim won the Longest Drive number 17 (262.22m) and Ahmad Yani won the Accurate Drive number 1 (On the line). Brian Russell won the Nearest to the Pin (NTP) Hole number 3 (2m.07cm). Mazran Hj Md Jamin won the NTP Hole number 8 (42cm). Hariel Hj Simpul won the NTP Hole number 13 (2.10m). Hj Zakaria bin Mat Noor won the NTP Hole number 16 (40cm).

Some 180 officers and staff from government ministries and departments, invited players and sponsors participated in the event in conjunction with the 16th Civil Service Day celebration. - Borneo Bulletin (15th March 2010)
