Royal congratulatory messages to Japan

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented to send a congratulatory message to His Imperial Majesty Akihito, Emperor of Japan and Mr Naoto Kan, Prime Minister of Japan as well as the people of Japan on the auspicious occasion of the birthday of His Imperial Majesty Akihito.

In the message, His Majesty expressed his pleasure at meeting His Imperial Majesty Akihito in Tokyo last month, where they had the opportunity to reaffirm the close and personal ties enjoyed between the two countries.

In ending the message, His Majesty wished His Imperial Majesty, Her Imperial Majesty and the Imperial Family continued good health and happiness.

In a similar message to Mr Naoto Kan, Prime Minister of Japan, His Majesty expressed his pleasure at meeting him in Yokohama and congratulated the Government of Japan on the successful hosting of the APEC Summit last month.

In the message, His Majesty stated that the two countries had long enjoyed a close friendship and excellent cooperation in many fields such as trade, energy and education, and His Majesty looked forward to continuing working with the Japanese Prime Minister in strengthening these much-valued ties, both bilaterally and as partners in the region.

In ending his message, His Majesty conveyed his best wishes and kindest regards to the Japanese Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, Brunei's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, sent a similar congratulatory message to his counterpart, Mr Seiji Maehara, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

In the message, His Royal Highness said he looked forward to continuing working with the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs to strengthen ties between the two countries. - Borneo Bulletin (23th December 2010)
