Royalty at captivating 'Malaysia Night'
By Siti Hajar

Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Masna last night attended the "Malaysia Night" organised by Malaysia and hosted by Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen, Minister of Tourism, Malaysia at the Conference Hall, Bridex in Jerudong.

The event also saw the presence of the Minister of Industry and Primary Resources, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Utama Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Yahya bin Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Haji Bakar as well as the Deputy Minister, Dato Paduka Haji Hamdillah bin Haji Abdul Wahab.

The audience comprised foreign delegates who are in the country for the Asean Tourism Forum 2010. Colourful dance and song performances entertained the envoys and also included the '1 Malaysia' dance that combines various cultural dance elements performed by articulate dance troupes donning vibrant costumes. Foreign delegates were also given the opportunity to win amazing overseas trips in a lucky draw. - Borneo Bulletin (28th January 2010)
