His Majesty envisions modernised military
By Azaraimy HH

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented for the establishment of Research, Science Development & Defence Technology Centre for strategic planning and modernisation of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF).

His Majesty, who is the Minister of Defence and Supreme Commander of the RBAF, revealed this in a titah at the 3rd Intake Officer Cadets Sovereign Parade at the RBAF Officer Cadet School (OCS) in Sungai Akar Camp yesterday.

With the establishment of the centre, the Ministry of Defence will make another giant step forward in the development of a more comprehensive and balanced Royal Brunei Armed Forces.

His Majesty congratulated the 3rd Intake Officer Cadets for successfully concluding their 42-week military training, a first step towards becoming full-fledged military officers.

In the titah, His Majesty said that this was a personal landmark achievement for all the officer cadets of the 3rd intake and a proud moment for their families and the academic staff at the OCS.

His Majesty, too, shared the proud moment; in fact the ruler said he was elated to witness such high level of discipline demonstrated by the officer cadets, which amplifies their personal aptitude and the confidence of the people in their ability to shoulder important duties.

This signifies a starting point of leadership for each military officer, His Majesty said.

"They (military officers) are the nation's defence, the custodians and the keepers of peace, as well as the rescuers during any disaster," His Majesty added.

"This is the challenge and responsibility for military leaders. This is the reason why it is important to inculcate good values and to outfit them with military knowledge," explained His Majesty.

The monarch also stressed on the importance of maintaining good relations between leaders and those who are led. His Majesty said this is the basis of effective leadership.

"Even just a simple gesture of 'Salam' (greeting) towards the lower ranks will demonstrate good leadership to their subordinates," His Majesty said.

"This is what it means by leadership and not privileges. It comes with the top- ranking officers themselves," His Majesty added.

A good personality will lead to a cordial relationship between military officers and personnel on the whole. "This will certainly enhance the good image of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces," His Majesty said.

The ruler urged all military officers and personnel in general to keep the good name of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces.

"Only with good image the RBAF can qualify for respect, and also qualify to be the pillar of sovereignty of the religion, king, country and race," explained His Majesty.

"This is where I perceive the role of the RBAF Officer Cadet School to infuse good values to prepare future officer corps of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces," the Supreme Commander said.

"In this 3rd intake, for the first time, four officer cadets will go into a new profession as women naval officer in the Royal Brunei Navy," His Majesty revealed.

His Majesty said the Ministry of Defence would never cease to improve the skills and mastery in the military and defence fields.

"The starting of Joint Command and Staff Course this November will open up a new development for RBAF in the areas of training and learning, formulated specially for high-ranking officers," His Majesty said.

His Majesty, meanwhile, also urged relevant parties to always provide high level of training, including making review process to ensure the standard of RBAF Officer Cadet School is on par with other similar institutions. - Borneo Bulletin (30th July 2010)
