Princess at Halaqah Charity Bazaar
By Lyna Mohamad

Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Masna, Ambassador-at-Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, yesterday graced and officiated the Halaqah Charity Bazaar at the Embassy of Kuwait in Jln Ellia Fatima, Kiarong.

HRH, on arrival, was greeted by the spouse of the Kuwait Ambassador, Mdm Ebtsam Al-Motawa and committee members of the Halaqah Group.

Congratulating the group for the successful organising of the event, HRH noted that the warm and friendly atmosphere of the bazaar reflects the group's compassionate efforts for charity or 'Sadaqah', the voluntary act of benevolent giving.

"This is an exemplary way of working together and supporting each other to reach a common goal for charity. Without doubt, many hours have been given voluntarily to this noble work. I would say that behind all this lies the love of humanity and the love for our needy and less fortunate brothers and sisters whom we wish to help," HRH Princess Masna said.

HRH also applauded the generous and kind efforts of the Halaqah Group in contributing all the proceeds from the bazaar to a worthy cause, further adding that the occasion will provide a very good opportunity for all to give 'Sadaqah' while fostering harmony within the society and stronger friendship. The ambassador's wife Mdm Ebtsam, meanwhile, expressed their delight in being able to have the opportunity to host the noble event and disclosed that the Halaqah Group is a group of ladies that meets on regular basis to improve Islamic knowledge.

Other than learning Arabic as the language of the 'al-Quran', she added that the group also learns its 'Tafseer' and does social activities such as charity work and organising educational visits to places such as Brunei Islamic Banks and an Islamic abattoir.

Their activity yesterday was to raised funds for distribution to various charity organisations such as KACA, SMARTER, Pusat Ehsan and less-privileged families.

A variety of items were showcased in the bazaar ranging from household items such as tablecloths, plants, paintings, handicrafts, delicious homemade food to various Arabic items, with the participation of Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Oman and United Kingdom embassies as well as the Rizqun International Hotel, Abdul Razak Holdings.

Following the launching of the charity event, HRH was taken for a tour of the participating booths and getting up close with the participants and the items that they displayed. - Borneo Bulletin (9th May 2010)
