Brunei treats China as reliable partner: Princess Masna

BEIJING (Xinhua) - State Councillor Liu Yandong on Tuesday met with Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Masna, Brunei's Ambassador-at-Large, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, in Beijing where they agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation.

Liu said China is ready to work with Brunei to boost bilateral relations as this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties. HRH said the two countries shared a traditional friendship, which was deeply rooted in the two peoples.

"Brunei treats China as a reliable partner," HRH said, adding that Brunei attaches great importance to the bilateral relationship.

HRH was conferred the title "Friendship Ambassador" in Beijing on Monday by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, for her contribution to China-Brunei ties. - Borneo Bulletin (15th June 2011)
