Malaysian Agong meets subjects at royal banquet
Lyna Mohamad

Malaysians working and residing in the Sultanate had the golden opportunity to meet their newly appointed Yang di-Pertuan Agong, His Majesty Tuanku Alhaj Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah, at a royal banquet last night.

Also gracing the event at the Indera Kayangan Ballroom of The Empire Hotel and Country Club was Her Majesty Tuanku Hajah Haminah.

In his titah, His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong expressed his delight at the opportunity to visit the Sultanate, his first state visit since his installation last April 11, 2012, adding that the visit was very special as it proved the strong ties between Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam in various aspects.

The strong ties between the two countries are in areas that include history, culture, nation and language. Relations between the two countries are at an excellent level with strong cooperation in various fields, and His Majesty believed that the visit would further strengthen these ties.

His Majesty also expressed his appreciation to the Brunei Government for opportunities given to Malaysian citizens and companies to contribute towards the Sultanate's economic development.

At the same time, His Majesty was also proud of the capabilities of Malaysians in Brunei who had helped raise the image of Malaysia in the eyes of the world, with the nearly 30,000 Malaysians residing in the Sultanate comprising skilled professionals, entrepreneurs, government and private sector employees and students.

In conclusion, His Majesty called upon his subjects residing in the country to continue to safeguard the good name and image of Malaysia in what ever they engage in while residing here, aside from respecting the customs and lifestyles of the local community.

Prior to leaving the banquet, His Majesty and Her Majesty also consented to the 'Junjung Ziarah' by Their Majesties' subjects present at the banquet.

His Majesty, who assumed the post of Yang di-Pertuan Agong for the second time, arrived in the Sultanate yesterday for a three-day State Visit after having been installed as the 14th Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia.

His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong ascended the Kedah throne on July 15, 1958 following the demise of Sultan Badlishah, and was installed as the 28th Sultan of Kedah on Feb 20, 1959.

Kedah held a golden jubilee celebration to mark Tuanku Abdul Halim's 50-year reign in July 2008, making His Majesty the fourth Sultan of Kedah who celebrated a golden jubilee celebration during their reign.

His Majesty's installation as Malaysia's new Agong marked a new milestone in Malaysian history and was truly a unique event because there had previously been no king that had been elected as the head of state twice. - Borneo Bulletin (10 May 2012)
