Sultan attends second day of conference

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam on Wednesday evening attended the second day session and the closing ceremony of the Fourth Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference held at the Al Safa Palace in Mecca.

Upon arrival at the Al Safa Palace, His Majesty was greeted by His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

His Majesty first attended the second day session of the Conference. During the session, the leaders continued their discussion on important matters including the promotion of Islamic solidarity; reform-related issues; measures and ways to counter intolerance and extremism; dialogue between religions, cultures and civilisation; current political issues faced by the Middle East and Southeast Asia; and the promotion of cooperation in the economic and social field.

His Majesty then attended the closing session of the conference where leaders agreed to issue four resolutions namely Resolution on the Cause of Palestine; Resolution of the Fourth Extraordinary Islamic Summit Conference on the Rohingya Muslim Minority; Resolution of the Fourth Extraordinary Islamic Summit Conference on the Situation in Syria; and Resolution on the Situation in Mali and the Sahel.

The conference also endorsed another important document, Mecca Pact on the Promotion of Islamic Solidarity. - Borneo Bulletin (17 August 2012)
