Crown Prince presents honorary medals
Rokiah Mahmud

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented to bestow honorary medals to another 668 recipients yesterday, on the second day of the Investiture Ceremony, in recognition of their excellent service, dedication and commitment towards the government, nation as well as to the religion.

His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, with the consent of His Majesty, bestowed the medals in a ceremony that took place at the Balai Singgahsana Indera Kencana, Istana Nurul Iman.

The ceremonial proceedings began with the presentation of 'Pingat Jasa Kebaktian' (PJK) or Meritous Service Medal to 61 recipients from the government and private sectors. Some 293 recipients were bestowed with the 'Pingat Indah Kerja Baik' (PIKB) or Excellent Service Medal and 314 individuals were awarded 'Pingat Kerja Lama' (PKL) or Long Service Medals.

During the Investiture Ceremony, the Bulletin had the chance to meet with some teachers who received the medals.

One of them was Cikgu Faridah binti Abdul Hamid, who served as an educator at the Ministry of Education for almost 21 years. She thanked the Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam for having bestowed her the PIKB medal. Cikgu Faridah, who is currently a Student Welfare Officer at Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah, shared her experience with the Bulletin.

"One of my best memories as an educator was when I was setting up a reading clinic for students who were sitting for their Penilaian Menengah Bawah (PMB) examinations. The clinic is specially designed to help students with problems in English Language. Alhamdulillah, with strong support and effort, the students succeeded in their examinations," she said.

"The PIKB medal that I received today is proof of recognition by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam to appreciate the 'small' contribution by us as educators. The medal will drive me to work even harder, especially in providing education and knowledge to the younger generation," she added.

Meanwhile, Dr Hj Ramli bin Hj Tinkong, Dean of Student Affairs Section, a lecturer at Universiti Brunei Darussalam, shared his happiness and gratefulness in having been bestowed the PIKB medal.

Dr Hj Ramli started working at the Ministry of Education 24 years ago.

He added that the PIKB medal will further motivate him as a lecturer. The medal also will be set as an example for his colleagues and friends in aiming for success and greater achievement in their respective fields.

"It is my great honour to thank the Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam for the PIKB medal," he said. The Bulletin also had the chance to interview some government personnel who received medals.

Hj Abdul Rahman bin Anai, 47, who received the PKL medal yesterday, in an interview said that he began his career almost 28 years ago.

"As Customs Inspection Officer at the Royal Customs and Excise Department, it is a challenging job and we often encountered obstacles. However, this does not discourage me from my work. In fact, the PKL medal that I received today will push me further to achieve excellence," he said.

Another recipient of the PKL medal was a 52-year-old driver, Mahali bin Hj Metassan. In recalling his 29-year service as a driver of the same department, said that "the most important attitude that everybody should have is working with sincerity, honesty and trust".

The Investiture Ceremony also saw uniformed personnel receiving the medals yesterday. Among them were personnel from the Prisons Department and also the Fire and Rescue Department of the Airport branch.

The honorary medals are awarded based on an individual's work merit and his or her contribution to the nation either in the government or non-government sectors. The recipients should also possess a continuous good track record as well as excellent discipline and a clean record.

Also present at the ceremony yesterday were Pengiran-Pengiran Cheteria, Cabinet Ministers, Legislative Council members, deputy ministers, Pehin-Pehin Manteri, members of foreign diplomatic missions, permanent secretaries and heads of department. - Borneo Bulletin (22 April 2012)
