Prophet Muhammad truest role model
By Azaraimy HH

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, in a titah on the occasion of Maulidur Rasul or the birthday anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) for the year 1433 Hijrah yesterday evening, described the Prophet as the pre-eminent exemplar to be followed by the Ummah or followers of Islam. His Majesty was citing a 'surah' from the Holy Quran.

Speaking in reference to "role models", His Majesty said Rasulullah, the Prophet Muhammad "is our role model". Citing Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 21, His Majesty reminded Muslims in the country that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the best example to be followed for those who are forever seeking blessings from Allah the Almighty in life and in the thereafter.

His Majesty in the titah said that, each year, the nation celebrates 'Maulidur Rasul' in its own way, that is, by organising "dikir" at mosques throughout the country for 12 consecutive nights, which then culminates in a religious congregation and mass procession.

These events, His Majesty said, without any doubt constitute "the Purest Bruneian characteristics" that must be continued from generation to generation. This notwithstanding, on certain occasions, the events perhaps need only some modifications but the commemoration or celebration must always be retained, His Majesty added.

The ruler said the importance of celebrating 'Maulidur Rasul' is to "inseminate our affections towards Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is imperative for Muslims to love and adore Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), just like how Allah the Almighty loves him".

His Majesty further said Allah the Almighty and the angels always recite "selawat" for the Prophet, and ordered all those who are devoted to the religion to recite "selawat" to the Prophet.

"Isn't this a 'dalil' (patent fact) in that it is imperative that we adore the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), in accordance with such an order that was given by Allah the Almighty?" His Majesty questioned rhetorically.

People always speak of role models. And in uttering the words 'role model', surely they would be referring to a certain individual that should be considered a role model, the monarch pointed in the titah.

"For us, Muslims, the role model has been named and determined by Allah the Almighty," His Majesty said.

"Who is that role model? It is Allah the Almighty who has pointed that out to us.

"Allah's chosen role model, the Prophet Muhammad, is not limited within a time frame, not for 10 years, not for 20 years, but for all eternity," the monarch added.

His Majesty asserted that a role model chosen by humans is time-limited. For example, the most is 100 years, and after that there will come another role model replacing that role model.

"However, the role model chosen by Allah the Almighty cannot be replaced and will not disappear through the passage of time.

"For certain there will be no other role model that could replace Rasulullah," His Majesty said in the titah.

His Majesty thereby urged Muslims in the country to strengthen their intention and determination to be committed to Rasulullah, by holding on tight to the teachings of the Prophet and by following and mimicking the 'akhlak' or behavioural traits of the Prophet in every aspect of life; in worship, family, society and others.

His Majesty further said, "If we do all these, there is no doubt that we will acquire 'pangkat takwa' (status of wisdom) in the presence of Allah the Almighty, and the 'takwa' will in turn become the reason and cause for the door of 'berkat' (blessing) in heaven to open here on earth."

The monarch added that the "pangkat takwa" should become the objective for all so we could together receive benefit from Allah the Almighty.

His Majesty further pointed that the "pangkat takwa" is not limited to the achiever, but that it will affect the nation, as described by a surah in al-Quran.

"The 'berkat' may be in the form of peace, prosperity and security that are enjoyed by the people and the nation," His Majesty said in concluding the titah.

"That is the signal from Allah the Almighty on takwa; may we be together sensitive towards heeding its lessons." - Borneo Bulletin (5th February 2012)
