Sultan announces incentives for memorising al-Quran
Azaraimy HH

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam made a special announcement in a titah to mark the Nuzul Al-Quran celebration last night as the monarch consented for the introduction of several schemes aimed at developing a "Generation of al-Quran readers".

The schemes include monthly cash incentive allowance for those who have memorised the Quran and recognised by the Tasmi'e Board according to categories, and a cash incentive scheme for the Qaris and Qariahs who are adjudged winners, first runners-up and second runners-up at the Kuala Lumpur International Quran Reading Competition. Furthermore, His Majesty also consented for $2,000 cash allowance per month to be paid for life for those who become champions at the Kuala Lumpur International Quran Reading Competition as recognition for their deeds to the nation.

His Majesty also consented for the Hari Raya Public Holiday to be extended from two to three days commencing 1433 Hijrah (2012) to provide more family time for the people for one of the joyous festivals in the Islamic calendar.

Also gracing the Nuzul Al-Quran celebration last night at the International Convention centre were His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah and His Royal Highness Prince 'Abdul Malik.

In the titah, His Majesty expressed his delight on the encouraging development of activities in the memorising of the Quran, such as at the Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah. His Majesty hoped that more people would become quality al-Quran memorisers.

His Majesty said al-Quran is the source of knowledge and inspiration. In the Quran, humanity are encouraged to research on natural phenomenon, such as the changes of night and day, the rich natural resources, water, air, fire, the secret of birth and death and others.

The al-Quran also contains the fundamental knowledge of technology, medicine, astronomy, mathematics and others. The Quran's verses relate to history, medicine, food, health and literature, which can generate thoughts and help civilisation.

His Majesty said these facts are in line with the theme of this year's celebration, which is "Al-Quran, a source of inspiration".

The monarch reiterated that by making the Quran as life guidance, Muslims are capable of reaching accomplishments just like during the golden time of Islamic civilisation.

However, some Muslims are left behind because they do not make the Quran as the source of inspiration.

"We must rise as a generation of Quran readers, while directly practising the teachings of the Quran," His Majesty the Sultan said.

His Majesty hoped that with the introduction of incentive schemes, more people will become interested and attracted to the art of Quran recital until the population have truly become the generation of al-Quran readers.

His Majesty also emphasised the importance of family institution in giving serious attention to the learning of al-Quran among the younger members.

The ruler said the nation had celebrated its first family day with the aim to strengthen the institution of family. However, His Majesty reminded that the effort to strengthen family bonds will have no value if it only includes holding entertainment events or ceremonies.

His Majesty urged the people not to waste their time as time is gold. "Public holiday is the most valuable time, everyone wants it, but does everyone know how to use it?" the ruler asked.

His Majesty urged that every family must be smart in utilising their time, including providing public holidays, to teach or bring the younger members to additional al-Quran classes or other activities that provide knowledge. - Borneo Bulletin (6 August 2012)
