Only quality training can produce quality officers
Danial Norjidi

Management should be further strengthened when it comes to training of Officer Cadets, by the addition of several methods, such as international standards, computer based training and academic recognition.

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, Minister of Defence and Supreme Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces said this in a titah at the Sovereign's Parade Ceremony for the 7th Intake Officer Cadets.

"As a first step towards my view, it is appropriate that the proposed award of BTEC Extended Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership for subjects in the Officer Cadets School (OCS) starts next year," said the ruler.

His Majesty stressed the importance of training and developing human capacity, saying, "Without a doubt, training and human resource development of this nature is very important for the continuity of an institution, and generally also contributes to the progress and future of the country."

His Majesty said that training serves the function to complement, meaning that those who are currently undergoing training are equipping themselves with knowledge and with the ability and skills that are very much needed.

"On this basis, if we are excited to congratulate the officers who have successfully undergone the training, and it is also appropriate to express the same appreciation and congratulations to their coaches," said His Majesty, highlighting that without their commitment, results that were hoped for would not have been realised.

"I believe that the trainers have been carrying out their duties properly and thoroughly, because they also understand the importance of adequate training, as the source for determining the quality of officers," said His Majesty. "Without quality training, it is impossible to produce quality officers."

His Majesty also went on to commend parents who bless their children's involvement in the defence field, describing their support as "a big and bold vision that deserves to be applauded".

"I sincerely and proudly congratulate and thank these parents for their support and awareness to encourage their children to pursue the field of defence," said the monarch.

"May their approval and prayers also bring blessings and mercy to the Royal Brunei Armed Forces in particular and the country as a whole," His Majesty added.

His Majesty also expressed his happiness as the monarch congratulated Officer Cadets on "their spectacular show of enthusiasm".

"I also understand that 26 people have successfully gone through 42 solid weeks of Cadet Officer training," His Majesty said. "Among them are two Officer Cadets who are holders of the Supreme Commander of Royal Brunei Armed Forces Scholarship. This is 'sweet history' for them."

His Majesty also went on to commend all the staff at the Defence Academy, particularly the OCS, Commandant, Sergeant and the trainers.

"I once again express our appreciation for their efforts and hard work," said His Majesty. "Hopefully the quality of training will continue to develop through the experience that can be taken to the next intake of Officer Cadets."

At the conclusion of the titah, His Majesty said, "With Tawakkal to Allah the Almighty and with the blessing of the words 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim', I am pleased to bestow the commission as Army Officers in the Royal Brunei Armed Forces to the 26 Officer Cadets of the Seventh Intake." - Borneo Bulletin (6 July 2012)
