Sultan to attend 24th Asean Summit in Myanmar
Azlan Othman

HIS Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam is scheduled to attend the 24th Asean Summit in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, today.

The summit, the first in Myanmar after the country joined Asean in 1997, will start today, with specific attention on the Asean Community Roadmap as the deadline for the mission approaches.

Senior officials from government agencies have begun the task of setting the agenda for the two-day summit, themed, “Moving Forward to a Peaceful and Prosperous Community”, Bernama reported.

His Majesty is scheduled to attend a welcome dinner by Myanmar President U Thein Sein for the Asean Heads of State and Government, as well as the Opening Ceremony, Plenary and Retreat Session of the 24th Asean Summit.

During the summit, the leaders are expected to adopt the Nay Pyi Taw Declaration on the realisation of the Asean Community by 2015, and terms of reference of the Asean Secretary-General as the Asean Humanitarian Assistance Coordinator.

The leaders are also to take note of five documents, namely, the reports of the Asean Political Security Community Council, the Asean Economic Community Council, the Asean Social and Cultural Community Council, the Secretary General of Asean on the 24th Asean Summit on the Work of Asean and Executive Director of the Asean Foundation.

The Nay Pyi Taw Declaration, among others, emphasises the implementation of the remaining action lines under the Asean Community Roadmap.

It will also deliberate the formulation of a successor document to the Roadmap or the Asean Community Post-2015 vision, and reiterate Asean’s commitment in its collective efforts for a single market and production base. The declaration will streamline Asean’s external relations mechanism with its dialogue partners, regional organisations and economic grouping.

It will at the same time, redouble efforts towards encouraging wider participation from targetted groups such as women, children and vulnerable groups in Asean activities, for them to benefit from the integration process. - Borneo Bulletin (10 May 2014)
