His Majesty awards winners
Fadhil Yunus

HIS Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam last night consented to grace the closing ceremony of the National Al-Quran Reading Competition for Adults 1435H/2014M Finals and presented championship trophies to the Qaris and Qariahs at the International Convention Centre in Berakas.

His Majesty also consented to deliver a titah at the religious event.

His Majesty presented the championship trophies to the Qari winner Awangku Md Adibul Amin bin Pengiran Haji Marzuki and the newly crowned Qariah winner Dayang Siti Huzaimah Yadhey bte Haji Rosli.

Accompanying His Majesty were His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office, His Royal Highness Prince Haji Jefri Bolkiah, His Royal Highness Prince ‘Abdul Malik and His Royal Highness Prince ‘Abdul Wakeel.

Upon arrival, His Majesty was greeted by Minister of Religious Affairs, Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad bin Pengiran Haji Abdul Rahman in his capacity as the Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the National Al-Quran Reading Competition for 1435H/ 2014M.

The annual religious competition commenced with the recitation of verses of the Quran by Awang Dasrizal M Nainan, the winner of the 55th International Tilawah Al-Quran Competition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia last year.

The event continued with welcoming remarks by the Minister of Religious Affairs where he noted that the progress of participants into the semi-finals marked a rise in the continuous development of the younger generation in the country in their ability to read the Quran.

With the consent of His Majesty, committee members of the competition had also welcomed Datuk Haji Salehuddin bin Haji Umar from Malaysia to further improve the quality of the judging process.

Shortly after the announcement of Qari and Qariah winners by Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Zaimi bin Haji Talip, the chairperson of the judging panel, Awangku Md Adibul Amin and Dayang Siti Huzaimah Yadhey presented a recitation of Al-Quran as this year’s champions.

Awangku Md Adibul Amin made history by winning the competition for the third consecutive time after emerging victorious in 2012 and 2013 in addition to his wins in 2008 and 2010.

Dayang Siti Huzaimah Yadhey on the other hand defied the odds by beating stiff competition in Dayang Hajah Nurfaezah bte Haji Emran who took second place.

Awang Mohammad bin Ali finished in second place in the Qari category while Awang Md Zul-Hafiz bin Awang Tengah settled for third.

Dayang Hajah Siti Noor Dzuhairah bte Haji Awang Damit finished in third place in the Qariah category.

Both the Qari and Qariah winners also earned $7,000 cash prize for their efforts as well as souvenirs and certificates.

To further bless the occasion, a Doa Selamat was read by State Mufti, Pehin Dato Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned. - Borneo Bulletin (11 April 2014)
