Colourful field performances at Tutong get-together event
Azaraimy HH

RESIDENTS of Tutong District portrayed their affection for His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam in a special field performance during the get-together ceremony yesterday at the field of the Tutong District Community Hall.

The special field performance was the main feature during the get-together event and involved hundreds of performers from all age groups.

The theme for this year’s special field performance in Tutong District was ‘Raja Pemimpin Perpaduan Rakyat’.

His Majesty was accompanied by His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office; His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade; His Royal Highness Prince Haji Jefri Bolkiah; His Royal Highness Prince ‘Abdul Malik and His Royal Highness Prince ‘Abdul Mateen.

In his speech expressing the people’s gratitude and undivided loyalty towards His Majesty, Awang Wardi bin Hj Mohammad Ali, the Tutong District Officer, said the special personality of His Majesty that is ever sensitive to the welfare of his subjects can be portrayed when His Majesty visited flood areas in Tutong, especially those living in rural areas.

His Majesty’s sensitivity towards the welfare of his subjects can also be seen through the presentation of houses to the less fortunate citizens and those who are in the low income bracket.

Under His Majesty’s leadership, Tutong District is experiencing positive socio-economic development through various phases including an increase in the number of new commercial buildings, industrial development, tourism and entrepreneurship as well as development in terms of public infrastructures in mukims and villages.

The people in Tutong also expressed their support on the implementation of the Syariah Penal Code Order.

According to the Tutong District Officer, the special field performance was a sketch to portray His Majesty’s leadership encompassing religious, education, development, economy, security and welfare aspects which also showed the social integration in stimulating the spirit of Bruneians in developing a generation that has a vision, progressive and dynamic for supporting the sovereignty of the king, people and country.

The special field performance was divided into five segments. The first segment depicted ‘Excellent Village’ (Kampung Cemerlang); where the Mukim and Village Consultative Councils are a platform for the involvement of the society towards working together in creating a harmonious mukim and village livelihood.

The second segment portrayed the instrumental role of natural resources, where a peaceful natural environment can provide comfort and peace that can be used as a recreational area for community life.

The third segment focused on the uniqueness and variety of ethnic and social cultures of Brunei Darussalam by portraying the cultural traditions of local people.

One of the highlights was the traditional ‘Adat Berbasuh Kaki’ (sprinkling of water on the foot of the bride and groom).

The fourth segment involved a special field performance that portrayed a young generation that is strong and loyal in defending the sovereignty of the king, defending the justice and preserving the peace, supporting the Syariah Penal Code Order and united in reaching the National Vision 2035.

The grand segment of the special field performance involved the singing of a song called “Rahmat” by all participants, that ended with everyone cheering “Daulat Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik”. - Borneo Bulletin (20 August 2014)
