His Majesty visits PKBN training camp
Aziz Idris

HIS Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam consented to take a closer look at the progress of the National Service Programme (PKBN) and meet trainees of the second intake of the three-month-long training programme.

Some 245 youths are part of the second intake of the PKBN. It commenced on December 22 last year and will end on March 24.

One of the PKBN Alumni, Nurnabilah Amna bte Hj Hamdani, saw the programme as an opportunity rather than a burden, adding that it has shaped her especially in terms of enhancing her identity as a Bruneian. Apart from that, the programme also tested one’s physical and mental condition.

For Ak Md Shaiirudin bin Pg Hj Tengah, joining the PKBN was not an easy task, particularly during the first two weeks. “Away from my family and friends, I felt nervous, scared and out of my comfort zone.

“Due to the encouragement and enthusiasm shown by the other trainees, I slowly gained confidence and changed my attitude towards the programme. Alhamdulillah, the sacrifice is worth and I have changed for the better.”

Meanwhile, his father, Pg Hj Tengah told the Bulletin that he was proud of his son’s achievement and lauded the PKBN for their efforts.

“I can see the change in my son,” said the teary father.

The PKBN provides compre-hensive training that can produce disciplined and patriotic youths.

Trainees participating in the programme, including parents and caregivers, have given continuos support and commitment towards achieving the nation’s aspiration of building as well as shaping the programme. - Borneo Bulletin (20 March 2014)
