More youths should be part of PKBN
Azaraimy HH

HIS Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Deputy Sultan has urged more youths in the country to undertake Program Khidmat Bakti Negara (PKBN) or National Service Programme and hoped that parents and families would strongly encourage their children to be part of this unique youth deve-lopment programme, especially those who are currently not in school and not working.

His Royal Highness also hoped that PKBN Alumni would act as a catalyst towards the development of the concept of volunteerism and nationalism among youths in the country. “The pride of the nation will be the youths that are always ready to contribute and serve the king, nation, religion, citizens and society,” the Deputy Sultan said.

His Royal Highness delivered a sabda during the passing out parade of the PKBN Second Intake yesterday, held at the parade field of the training camp located in the Sports Village of the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Sports Complex, where 245 PKBN trainees completed their training service – the largest intake so far.

“I am happy to know that these former PKBN trainees will add to the size of the PKBN Alumni to 744 people. Insya Allah, this number will continue to increase in size once the permanent PKBN complex in Batu Apoi is completed. The PKBN Alumni is a platform that establishes solidarity and camaraderie amongst the former trainees,” the Deputy Sultan stated.

The trainees went through 13 weeks of challenging youth development training. His Royal Highness believed that all the challenges they faced were invaluable experiences and lessons in building self-confidence. More importantly, it prepared their minds to face challenges in life. It definitely provided good memories towards empowering their self-identities.

During that period the trainees were separated from their families and yesterday they returned into the arms of their families but taking with them a positive transformation, renewed spirit and determination to strengthen family and community institutions. It is hoped that they will become more prepared to contribute productively to the development of the nation according to their respective capabilities.

His Royal Highness called PKBN a unique youth development programme. It constitutes an element that attributes to the way of life of the Brunei people, looks up to their king, supports the national concept of Malay Islamic Monarchy and helps them live in peace and harmony.

It is hoped that every youth undertaking this programme would be able to carry with him or her good lessons learnt from all the activities, taxing tasks and tiring routines.

Speaking further on the programme, His Royal Highness highlighted that every activity and lesson has its own objectives and goals, where all leads towards enhancing the knowledge and understanding on the values of nationalism, entrepreneurism, development of self-identity and righteous mindset, as well as instilling a spirit of patriotism and volunteerism. Its main aspiration is to produce dynamic, progressive and resilient youths.

Former PBKN trainees are youths that are active, tough and have a strong mental defence against unhealthy thoughts and bad associations that will only harm oneself and threaten national integrity.

His Royal Highness said this is the real aspiration of the programme as mentioned in the titah of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam during the 30th National Day, which was to produce a generation of youth that are confident and resilient that cannot be influenced to go against the nation.

The Deputy Sultan hoped PKBN will continue to be improved and developed to increase its effectiveness in producing quality youths.

The role of the youths in the country is also very important in supporting the implementation of Syariah Penal Code Order in the country. The PKBN participants surely have the understanding and spirit to defend and empower the good way of life as aspired, the Deputy Sultan said.

His Royal Highness believed that the programme will make youths productive and become potential assets that contribute to the economic development, social solidarity as well as the nation’s peace.

His Royal Highness said the programme needs continuous study, monitoring and evaluation to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. As a youth development programme, PKBN is capable of lifting the confidence of the participants. - Borneo Bulletin (26 March 2014)
