Deputy Sultan graces PKBN closing ceremony
Achong Tanjong

HIS Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Deputy Sultan, yesterday consented to grace the passing out parade of the 2nd Intake of Program Khidmat Bakti Nagara (PKBN) or National Service Programme for 245 trainees, held at the PKBN training camp, Sports Village of the Hassanal Bolkiah National Sports Complex in Berakas.

Upon arrival at drill field of the PKBN Training Camp, His Royal Highness was welcomed by Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila Diraja Dato Seri Setia Awg Hj Hazair bin Hj Abdullah.

Later, the Deputy Sultan received a royal guard of honour and inspected the parade by the second PKBN Intake, led by Major (Rtd) Awg Mohammad bin Dollah, Commandant of PKBN camp.

After inspecting the guard of honour parade, His Royal Highness delivered a sabda, which was follo-wed with the award presentation to the Best PKBN trainees of the second intake.

The overall best male and best female trainees award went to 10175 Md Nazri bin Hj Saman from Platoon 5 and 10232 Asma Zamriah @ Nur Diyana binti Hj Ariffin from Platoon 1.

10230 Ak Md Syahiiruddin bin Pg Hj Tengah from Platoon 6 and 10261 Sofiyah Syairah binti Hj Saifulizam of Platoon 6 were awarded the best in physical training for male and female respectively.

The best marching drill (Kawad) awards for male and female went to 10241 Md Zulkarnain bin Hj Abd Rahim of Platoon 5 and 10245 Nurhaziqah Najwa Mahirah binti Harun of Platoon 2 respectively.

A Doa Selamat was read by Head of PKBN Religious Unit, Ustaz Awg Hj Abdul Afiq bin Zainuddin.

From the drill field, His Royal Highness visited the Sports Village Training Camp to view the PKBN Photo Gallery Exhibition, as well as for a ‘Santap’.

Before leaving the camp, His Royal Highness signed the National Service Training Programme remembrance book and received a ‘Pesambah’.

His Royal Highness also spoke to the participants and their parents, and later participated in a group photo with PKBN participants.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila Diraja Dato Seri Setia Awg Hj Hazair bin Hj Abdullah in his forward message said that the PKBN second intake was implemented successfully in a smooth and secure manner, with a total of 245 trainees comprising 149 male and 96 female participants.

He also expressed his gratitude and congratulated all the trainees for their endurance, persistence and high spirit in facing all the challenges and pressures during the three-month programme.

He said the second PKBN intake is the biggest intake to date, when compared with the three pilot projects and the first intake previously.

This shows the programme organiser’s readiness in enhancing the total entry of trainees to the maximum level based on the Sports Village Training Camp’s capacity.

He added that His Royal Highness gracing the ceremony and awarding the best participants reflects His Royal Highness’ appreciation and honour to the PKBN trainees, and recognises the youth development programme as bringing positive change toward youths in the country.

After the ceremony, participants also received their certificates from the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports. - Borneo Bulletin (26 March 2014)
