Brunei Darussalam Scout holds Tahlil to mark its establishment
Fadley Faisal

BRUNEI Darussalam Scouts Association recently held a Tahlil event for the late father of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien at the Royal Mausoleum, Jalan Kubah Makam Diraja to commemorate the organisation’s 81st anniversary since its establishment.

It is also to honour Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien for his contributions in the progress of the association.

The Scouts Association started in 1933 with a group of 12 students and teachers at Sekolah Melayu Pekan Brunei, Jalan Pemancha initiated by Cikgu Marsal bin Maun (the late Yang Amat Berhormat Dato Seri Paduka Haji Marsal bin Maun, former Brunei Chief Minister), as teacher and assistant leader of scouts at the time.

Meanwhile, school principal Cikgu Abang Zaidi bin Abang Taha was made leader of the newly formed scouts.

July 1 was chosen as Brunei Scouts Day in conjunction with the association’s acceptance into the World Organisation of Scouts Movement as the 117th member on July 1, 1981.

August 10-14, 1981, the Brunei Scouts Association sent a member to attend the 28th World Scout Conference in Dhakar, Senegal and received the certification of participation as a full member of the World Scouts Movement.

Surah Al-Fatihah was recited followed by Surah Yaasiin and a Doa Arwah were read in congregation led by Haji Othman bin Durani, Scout Commissioner Religious Section.

Also in attendance was Dato Paduka (IR) Haji Idris bin Haji Abas, President of the Brunei Darussalam Scouts Association, Chief Commissioner Haji Awang Badar bin Haji Awang Ali, Scout Commissioners, District Scout Commissioners, Scout leaders and assistants, Junior scouts, Cub Scouts, Venture Scouts, Rover Scouts, Sea Scouts and Air Scouts.

The following afternoon, an Iftar was held at the Prayer Hall of the Scouts Headquarters in Jalan Gadong.

The mission of the association is to contribute towards educating youths in values based on Scout Promise and Scout Law to shape a better world where individuals will be satisfied with whomever they may be in person and be able to be constructive in society.

The Vision 2023 of the association, with a population of 5,000 members, is to be the main association in holding programmes for youths in developing them to be part of the nation’s progress.

Involvements and activities of the association are not limited to internal participation but fledges regionally and in the international arena as well.

The association frequently partakes in the World Scout Bureau events.

The World Organisation of Scouts Movement is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia since June 18, 2014 where previously it was in Geneva, Switzerland.

The World Scout Conference held once every three years is a forum for the world’s national scouts organisations in which every aspects will be discussed concerning each organisation’s activities and passed to be followed by all members.

Since Brunei’s involvement in 1933 till today, the association has befriended and harnessed ties with Scout Associations in 25 countries in the Asia-Pacific region and 200 countries internationally through, meetings, forums, seminars, courses, workshops, trainings, jamborees and camping as well as courtesy visits.

Informal education is delivered by the association through training programmes and Scouts activities where it has yielded healthy and proactive youths as the nation’s assets.

Meanwhile, the nation’s leaders have participated in Scout activities.

His Majesty in his titah at the official opening ceremony of the Brunei Darussalam Scouts Association headquarters at Jalan Gadong on July 3, 2005, highlighted that the association succeeded in generating disciplined and competent leaders.

Scouts Associations methods have lived up to date and relevant in delivering knowledge as well as opportunities in gaining knowledge. - Borneo Bulletin (3 July 2014)
