Crown Prince honoured by Indonesian special forces

HIS Royal Highness Prince General Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office, General of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces yesterday visited Indonesia’s Special Forces Command (KOPASSUS) where His Royal Highness was made an Honourary Member of KOPASSUS and attended a luncheon hosted by the Commander of KOPASSUS.

In the afternoon, His Royal Highness visited Indonesia’s National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB).

In a separate event, Her Royal Highness Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Anak Sarah visited Taman Mini Indah Indonesia.

First, in the morning, His Royal Highness visited KOPASSUS in Cijantung, East Jakarta where His Royal Highness was greeted by Major General Agus Sutomo, the Commander of KOPASSUS.

His Royal Highness received a Salute of Honour from the Post Guard of KOPASSUS and a welcome from a Quarter Guard.

His Royal Highness was then introduced to the KOPASSUS officers.

His Royal Highness was invited for a photo session in front of the Sarwa Edhie Wibowo building after which His Royal Highness proceeded to the office of the Commander of the KOPASSUS for an audience with Major General Agus Sutomo.

During the audience, His Royal Highness in a sabda expressed his gratitude to KOPASSUS for the invitation and said that bilateral relations between Brunei Darussalam and the Republic of Indonesia are good, especially in defence cooperation.

His Royal Highness proceeded to the Meeting Room for a briefing presented by Major General Agus Sutomo and watched a video presentation on the profile of the KOPASSUS. His Royal Highness then signed a Visitor Book.

Shortly afterwards, His Royal Highness viewed a demonstration against terrorism, which included segments on Static; Building Ambush; Bus Ambush; Personnel capabilities and Commando Attack.

After the demonstration, His Royal Highness boarded a special vehicle and went to a shooting range to view a shooting demonstration.

From the shooting range, His Royal Highness proceeded to a Conferment Ceremony of Honourary Member of KOPASSUS. At the dais, His Royal Highness received a Weapon Salute.

Major General Agus Sutomo graciously attached the KOPASSUS badge and fastened a bayonet to His Royal Highness who was then invited to put on a KOPASSUS beret.

Major General Agus Sutomo delivered a speech congratulating His Royal Highness for becoming a Member of the Red Beret of KOPASSUS. The conferment has strengthened further the bilateral relations in defence cooperation of both countries.

His Royal Highness delivered a sabda and expressed his happiness to be among the Red Beret soldiers and had made a close observation on the important roles they played in safeguarding peace and stability of the country.

His Royal Highness expressed his gratitude to Major General Agus Sutomo and KOPASSUS for the conferment of the Honourary Member of KOPASSUS. The conferment, His Royal Highness added, is an honour for him, considering that his father, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam had also received the same honour in 2003.

KOPASSUS and the Special Forces Regiment of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, His Royal Highness said, enjoy a close friendship and often hold exchange programmes. His Royal Highness is convinced that both special forces will continue to uphold their close cooperation in years to come.

His Royal Highness expressed his joy at watching various demonstrations performed during his visit.

The Conferment Ceremony concluded with His Royal Highness joining in a photo session.

His Royal Highness then attended a luncheon hosted by the Commander of KOPASSUS. His Royal Highness received a plaque presented by Major General Agus Sutomo and in return, His Royal Highness presented a plaque to him.

While departing the Special Forces Command, His Royal Highness received a salute of honour from the Quarter Guard.

The cooperation in defence between Brunei Darussalam and the Republic of Indonesia has been very close which has been solidified through high level exchanges, joint military exercises and training. Both countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of defence on April 10, 2003.

Accompanying His Royal Highness were Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, Deputy Minister of Defence, Republic of Indonesia; Dato Paduka Awang Haji Ali bin Haji Apong, Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office; Brigadier General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Haji Mahmud bin Haji Saidin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Brunei Darussalam to Republic of Indonesia; and Brigadier General Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Yussof bin Haji Abd Rahman, Deputy Commander of Royal Brunei Armed Forces and Commander Royal Brunei Land Force.

In the afternoon, His Royal Highness as Chairman of Brunei Darussalam National Disaster Council, visited the National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) Headquarters where His Royal Highness was greeted by Dr Syamsul Maaril, Head of BNPB, and BNPB officers.

His Royal Highness signed a Visitor Book and went to the Meeting Room where a welcoming address was delivered by Dr Syamsul Maaril. His Royal Highness listened to a briefing on the functions and operation of BNPB as well as challenges faced. Said Faizal, the Executive Director of AHA Centre also delivered a briefing on the AHA Centre.

During the discussion, His Royal Highness in a sabda said that Brunei Darussalam had set up the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) in 2006 for the same reason as BNPB and thus expressed his happiness to see both centres often conduct exchanges programmes with the most recent one, the Mentawai Megathrust Integrated Operation, held in Padang, Sumatra in March this year. His Royal Highness added that a lot has been gained from participating in the training and wished more can be learned from BNPB’s experience.

Both countries, added His Royal Highness, had worked together through Asean bodies such as the Asean Coordination Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre), on disaster management efforts, managing reports on disaster situation as well as early warning information of Southeast Asia region received from time to time through NDMC.

His Royal Highness proposed that Asean member countries through AHA should utilise the Multi-Purpose Training Centre (MPTC) Brunei as the centre is the first and most comprehensive disaster management training centre in the region. The MPTC will be fully operational in August this year.

After the briefing, His Royal Highness received a ‘pesambah’ from Dr Syamsul Maarif and Said Faizal. In return, His Royal Highness presented souvenirs to them. This was followed by a photo session.

His Royal Highness later viewed the facilities and operation at the BNPB Headquarters.

BNPB is a government organisation that manages disasters at the national level in the Republic of Indonesia.

BNPB was established in 2008 replacing the National Disaster Management Coordinating Board (NDMCB) which was established in 1979 for the management of disaster and crisis.

Accompanying His Royal Highness were Dato Paduka Awang Haji Ali bin Haji Apong; Brigadier General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Haji Mahmud bin Haji Saidin and Pengiran Dato Paduka Colonel (Rtd) Haji Rosli bin Pengiran Haji Chuchu, the Director of National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC).

In a separate event yesterday morning, Her Royal Highness Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Anak Sarah visited Taman Mini Indah Indonesia where Her Royal Highness was greeted by Ibu Jual Intan, the Manager of Muzium Indonesia; Ibu Tetty Sonny, wife of Major General Sonny, Director General of Strategic Defence, Ministry of Defence; Ibu Etty Witjacksono, wife of Brigadier General Witjacksono, Military Officer In Attendance; Diana Yam Pieter, wife of Brigadier General Yan Pieter, Director of Strategic, Ministry of Defence; Ibu Bonito Sunaryo, wife of Colonel Sunaryo, Chief Sub Directorate of Strategic, Ministry of Defence; and Lt Colonel Nila Sahaan, Head of Licensing Directorate, Strategic International Cooperation, Ministry of Defence.

Among the places Her Royal Highness visited were the Indonesia Museum, West Sumatera Pavilion and Papua Pavilion.

Before departing the Taman Mini Indah, Her Royal Highness signed a Visitor Book and received a ‘pesambah’ from Ibu Jual Intan.

Located in East Jakarta, Taman Mini Indah Indonesia is a recreational park with a theme based on Indonesian culture. The park was inaugurated on April 20, 1975 by President Suharto.

Various aspects of the natural and cultural richness of Indonesia are displayed in an area of approximately 150 hectares.

It is an integration of Indonesian culture, covering various aspects of everyday life of society in the 33 provinces of Indonesia (in 1975). - Borneo Bulletin (4 May 2014)
