Royal congratulatory messages to Singapore

HIS Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented to send a congratulatory message to Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of the Republic of Singapore, and Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, on the occasion of the 49th National Day of the Republic of Singapore.

In the message to the Singaporean President, His Majesty expressed his pleasure at reaffirming the personal friendship and excellent bilateral relations during His Majesty’s State Visit to Singapore last April.

His Majesty said he looked forward to continuing to work closely with the Singaporean President to further strengthen the long-standing and valuable ties between the two countries.

His Majesty extended his best wishes to the Singaporean President and his family and to all Singaporeans for a happy celebration.

Meanwhile, in the message to the Singaporean Prime Minister, His Majesty stated that Brunei and Singapore have long shared excellent relations based on mutual trust, valuable cooperation and importantly, personal friendships.

His Majesty’s State Visit to Singapore in April provided a good opportunity to deepen the relations between the two countries and served to re-state commitment to work together to strengthen these long-standing and much-valued ties, both bilaterally and in the many partnerships, especially in Asean.

In ending the message, His Majesty extended his kindest regards and very best wishes for the Singaporean Prime Minister’s continued good health and for a very happy celebration.

HRH Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, also sent a similar congratulatory message to K Shanmugam, Singapore’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law.

In the message to the Singaporean Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law, HRH said: “I am delighted to send my warmest congratulations to you and to the government and people of the Republic of Singapore on your country’s 49th National Day.

“It was a pleasure seeing you during the Brunei-Singapore Exchange Visit in Singapore last year and also at the recent Asean Ministerial Meeting in Nay Pyi Taw.

“I look forward to continuing our long-standing and valuable work together to strengthen the close friendship and goodwill so warmly shared by our people.” - Borneo Bulletin (9 August 2014)
